Corpocampo: Wie eine kolumbianische NGO den Regenwald rettet und Menschenleben verändert

Corpocampo: How a Colombian NGO is saving the rainforest and changing lives

You've probably heard of acai - the small, dark blue berry that's considered a superfood and popular in smoothie bowls and desserts. But did you also know that the production of acai can be a sustainable alternative to deforestation of the Amazon rainforest and at the same time ensure the livelihood of many people in Colombia?

Corpocampo: Protection of the rainforest and improvement of living conditions

Corpocampo is a Colombian NGO that has been working to protect the rainforest while improving the living conditions of the local population for over 15 years. By supporting smallholder farmers and indigenous communities, Corpocampo has promoted the wild collection of acai berries in the Colombian Amazon region of Putumayo.

Promotion of acai production and cooperative for small farmers

The participants then founded a cooperative to promote the sale of acai products and guarantee fair prices for the smallholders. Today, the organization works with more than 400 families and produces around 50 tons of acai berries per year. Sustainable cultivation and wild collection of acai berries reduces deforestation and protects ecological diversity.

The Acai Dream

The UN supports the work of this NGO, among other things, with the project "The Acai Dream", in which former guerrilla fighters are given the opportunity to start a new career and return to civil society as acai farmers.
Other projects on alternatives to coca cultivation are being pursued locally by the NGO. In addition to the production of acai, Corpocampo works to strengthen the rights of small farmers and indigenous communities. The organization offers training in organic farming to give small farmers the skills they need. Of particular note is the training program for women, which encourages their participation in the decision-making process and strengthens their leadership skills.

Importance of Corpocampo: Protection of the rainforest and poverty alleviation

Corpocampo's work is of great importance in protecting the Amazon rainforest and improving the living conditions of local communities. By promoting alternative, sustainable, legal and non-violent sources of income, the organization helps reduce poverty in the region and further deforestation. At the same time, she supports the strengthening of communities and promotes equality for women.

We at Verdestino would like to support this important work. Therefore we are very pleased that we can bring this organic acai powder from the Putumayo to Germany.

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